Chimpanzee trekking is an adventurous activity where participants hike through forests to observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Here's a detailed overview


Chimpanzee trekking is primarily done in Africa, with popular destinations including:


Kibale National Park: Known for the highest concentration of chimpanzees in Uganda.

Budongo Forest: Near Murchison Falls National Park.

Kyambura Gorge: Located in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

2. Rwanda:

Nyungwe Forest National Park: A dense, mountainous rainforest with a rich biodiversity.


 Gombe Stream National Park: Famous for Jane Goodall's pioneering research.

Mahale Mountains National Park: Remote, with pristine wilderness and chimpanzee populations.

 Trekking Experience

Guided Tours: Treks are led by experienced guides who track the chimpanzees based on their calls, nests, and movements.

Duration: Typically lasts 2-4 hours, depending on the location of the chimps.

Group Size: Small groups of 6-8 people to minimize disturbance to the animals.

Fitness Level: Moderate fitness is required due to uneven terrain and potential long hikes.

What to Expect

Early Start: Treks usually start early in the morning to maximize chances of sightings.

Close Encounters: Observing chimps up close (within 7-10 meters) in their natural behavior—feeding, playing, grooming.

Photography: Opportunities to take photos, but flash photography is prohibited.

Safety Briefing: Before the trek, guides provide a briefing on safety and behavior guidelines around the chimps.


Permits: Required and often need to be booked in advance due to limited availability.

Clothing: Lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and trousers for protection against insects, sturdy hiking boots, rain gear, and a hat.

Gear: Binoculars, a camera, and a daypack with water and snacks.

Health Precautions: Visitors may need vaccinations and are advised to avoid the trek if they are ill, to protect the chimps from human diseases.

Conservation Impact

Chimpanzee trekking plays a crucial role in conservation by:

Funding: Revenue from permits supports conservation efforts and local communities.

Awareness: Increases awareness about the importance of protecting chimpanzees and their habitats.

Research: Facilitates ongoing research and monitoring of chimpanzee populations.


Time Limit: Visitors typically have a maximum of one hour with the chimpanzees to reduce stress on the animals.

Distance: Maintaining a safe distance (7-10 meters) to prevent disease transmission.

Behavior: No eating, drinking, or smoking near the chimps, and minimizing noise and sudden movements.

Chimpanzee trekking offers a unique and educational experience, allowing participants to connect with nature and contribute to the conservation of these remarkable primates.